Our Sponsors
The Homeward Community was created on December 28, 2022 and has grown swiftly since. So quickly, in fact, that we have applied for 501c3 status and have received our initial documentation of approval. We have hosted both virtual and in-person meetings to promote connection and foster community. We have also hosted a fundraiser, which yielded $1,251 in just three hours for EDGE New Jersey, a local LGBTQ center. I realize the immense impact Homeward Sussex has on the community and am determined to continue providing safe spaces, events, and connection to a community who desperately needs and deserves it. With that being said, I have come to a point where I understand that I cannot afford to sponsor Homeward Sussex alone. Any level of donation or sponsorship will aid in our fierce continuation of spreading acceptance, inclusion, connection, and community. We appreciate any thought and/or contribution you or your business would decide to make. Please see the below sponsorship levels and gifts associated with them.
Sponsorship Levels:
- $250 Sponsorship: Homeward Mug, Homeward Notebook, Homeward Business Spotlight posting.
- $500 Sponsorship: Homeward Mug, Homeward Notebook, Homeward Business Spotlight, your name and logo on our website.
- $1000 Sponsorship: Homeward Mug, Homeward Notebook, Homeward Flag, Homeward Business Spotlight, guaranteed Homeward Meeting conducted at your place of business to encourage sales, your name and logo on our website with links to your business.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please reach out to me at: homewardsussex@gmail.com or acraig325@gmail.com. Thank you!
Best Always,

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